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Giving Back

At Mexpower, we are not just driven to bring delight to our customers and achieve business goals for our stakeholders. We are motivated to also bring good to society, both within and outside our institution, and we do this with great joy!


The Love My School student bursary programme at SJK (C) Jinjang Tengah 1, where Mexpower and its sister companies donated RM 37,200 to change the lives of 51 children from financially - challenged backgrounds.

Mexpower Sdh Bhd and our sister organisations, Modern Surf Sdn Bhd and Midas Flora Sdn Bhd, are committed to investing in communities and the environment through donations to responsible social NGOs, capacity building for our human resource with proper trainings, and making environmentally-conscious decisions at the workplace.


Total RM Donated to Charities

RM 128,200


Schools Impacted



Students Reached



Clothing + Accessories Donated to Charities


Charity 2-min.jpeg
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

― Mother Teresa

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