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Mexpower Announces Donation to NGO at Customer Appreciation Dinner

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Mexpower reached record highs in our operations since our inception six years ago. At the peak of our busiest months last year, our distribution centre division alone managed to process 1.7 million articles of garments and accessories in a single month and reached a picking rate of up to 6,000 cartons daily! To celebrate this and other achievements in 2019, we hosted an appreciation dinner for our customer last week to show our gratitude for the trust they have placed in Mexpower to support their ever-growing business. It was also to signify the continued symbiosis of mutual cooperation between Mexpower and our customer as we usher in the Year of the Rat together. The night was convivial with full of feasting and banter.

However, what really made the night special was when Mr. Kenneth Gan, Executive Director of Mexpower, announced that we, along with our sister companies, will be donating RM200.00 for each guest present at the dinner to the MyKasih Foundation. This amounted to a total of RM33,000!

Mr. Kenneth Gan announcing the RM33,000.00 donation to the MyKasih Foundation at the customer appreciation dinner last night. This is the third year in a row we have donated to the Foundation.

We found out earlier today that our donation will be channelled to SK Sungai Bumbun, Pulau Carey for the purchase of LEGO Mindstorm EV3 robotics set for competitions, the establishment of the school’s aquaponics edible garden project, and to support 33 underserved students to cover their meals and study resources while in school for the rest of the year. What an amazing programme MyKasih is running to bring positive impact in the lives of our future generation!

Mexpower takes pride in our achievements. But what makes these achievements complete is the delight we get to bring to not just our customer, but the people around us, like the students of SK Sungai Bumbun. As always, we send good wishes to the beneficiaries of our donations. May they do well in school and do good in society.

“Our partnership (Mexpower and customer) has brought abundance to the both of us. And now, it is time to bless the people around us. We are proud to once again be able to contribute to a dedicated movement in removing hunger from schools and closing the gap between a child’s potential and his/her ambition. No child should be deprived of the chance to build a better tomorrow for his-/herself and the communities they are in.” ― Mr. Kenneth Gan

Mexpower wishes you a Happy Lunar New Year! May the Year of the Rat bring good health and prosperity to you and your family!

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