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Not-so-blue Monday

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Yesterday was not a typical Monday us at Mexpower. We drove to Jinjang, Kuala Lumpur with colleagues from our sister companies late morning to visit SJK (C) Jinjang Tengah 1. The reason for our visit was to meet with the 51 underserved students whom just last week became beneficiaries of our donation to the Love My School programme by the MyKasih Foundation.

About a month ago, we learned of this student bursary programme to assist school-going children from poor households with a combined household income of RM1,500 per month and less. It takes advantage of the chip technology of the MyKad, the Malaysian identity card, by linking a student’s MyKad to the allocated funds to make purchases in the school’s canteen and bookstore. Seeing how this programme is set up to be transparent and effective, we did not hesitate to make a donation of RM37,200.00 to it.

Activities in SJK (C) Jinjang Tengah 1

Our colleagues playing games with (left) and serving snacks (right) to the students.

We greeted the students and their teachers around noon in the school’s hall where we served snacks and played some games with the kids after handing out stationery sets to them. In her speech, Ms. Helisa Yip, Executive Director of Midas Flora, thanked Headmaster Ngoi Kwang Hong and MyKasih Trustee Puan Siti Khairon for the opportunity to help and spread joy in the lives of these students. She also wished the students all the best in their education and to continue work hard attain their dreams and ambitions.

“We are absolutely proud and honoured to play our role in channelling support to the young school-goers, especially those from financially-challenged backgrounds. We believe that all children should be able to study and achieve their fullest potential without having to worry about daily nourishment or having learning materials to actively participate in the classroom.” ― Ms. Helisa Yip
Students can use their MyKad to make purchases in the school's canteen and bookstore

Ms. Helisa Yip, Headmaster Ngoi Kwang Hong, and MyKasih Trustee Puan Siti Khairon observing a student checking her account balance using her MyKad (left) and posing with two happy beneficiaries (right).

The day may have started with a case of the Monday blues but we left the school feeling rejuvenated from having the energy of the kids rub off on us. We also felt happy to be able to make what small but positive impact in the lives of the bright students of SJK (C) JinJang Tengah 1 together as a team.

As we take on the challenges of 2018, we will look back fondly to the good times like this one for motivation to press forward and inspiration to keep doing good to others.

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